Traffic Offences
Traffic Offence Lawyer
clients over the years on many different traffic offence charges.

Why use a traffic offence lawyer?
Some of the normal traffic offences are drink driving, drug driving, driving under the influence (DUI), failing to remain at the scene of an accident and the more serious charges of callous disregard and criminal traffic offences such as dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death.
Traffic offences can have serious consequences of suspension or disqualification of your drivers licence, which may have a major impact on your ability to work or carry out your usual daily routine.
If you are charged with drink, drug, unlicenced, suspended or disqualified driving you will be dealt with under the Traffic Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995, commonly referred to as TORUM.
The main aim of most clients involved with traffic offence is to ensure that they keep their driving licence and are able to use their car for work.
Our Sunshine Coast solicitors certainly pride ourselves on obtaining relevant detailed information as soon as possible and then advising our clients of their options and the likely outcome of their proceedings and advising them of the benefit of defending proceedings as well as the benefits of negotiating with the Prosecution wherever possible.
The aim of the process is to achieve the best outcome for the client whether that be a defended hearing or a plea of guilty.

Why Choose our Sunshine Coast Traffic Lawyers
Our motorbike and car accident lawyers have had extensive involvement in defending persons who have been wrongly charged, or who have ultimately been found not guilty of many traffic offences.
Where a person is guilty, our traffic offence lawyers have endeavoured to negotiate the best possible outcome for that person having regard to their circumstances and the facts of the matter.
Most traffic offences are dealt with by the Magistrates Court of Queensland and we regularly appear in the Sunshine Coast courthouses of Nambour, Maroochydore, Caloundra and Noosa, but can arrange appearances anywhere in Queensland.
The main aim of most clients involved with traffic offence is to ensure that they keep their driving licence and are able to use their car for work.
Meet Our Traffic Offence Team
contact our car accident lawyers to arrange an appointment with one of our traffic offences lawyers.